Today is the second and final day of TechCrunch50, where 50 startups will present their companies and what they are working on. There, AOL Instant Messenger has just announced the launch of its new social network: AIM Lifestream.
Like FriendFeed, Lifestream allows you to aggregate your various streams, including Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, and Digg, as well as having its own social network. When a friend posts an update, you allows you to comment on it, “like” the update and open an IM conversation with that person. Lifestream is also a Twitter and Facebook client, allowing you to post updates to both services.
Lifestream is built into the latest version of AIM, 7, the beta version of which was released today. The beta will last until 22 September, when the update will be rolled out to all users on Windows, Mac OS X, iPhone and Windows Mobile.
[Image from lifestream.aim.com]
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