Apple has released iTunes 9.0.2, the main purpose of which is to add support for Apple TV version 3.0, which was also released today. It also adds a dark background option to Grid View and improves accessibility support.
The update also prevents the Palm Pre from syncing with iTunes, for the third time, reports PreCentral. This is just the latest move in a battle that Palm and Apple have been involved in since July, when iTunes 8.2.1 made it so that the Pre could not sync with iTunes. Palm released an update that circumvented the patch and all was well until September, when iTunes 9.0 once again broke syncing for the Pre. The latest update for the Pre, released earlier this month, reenabled syncing by once again circumventing Apple’s latest patch. Apple has taken this opportunity to update iTunes to include another patch to break Pre syncing.
Palm will likely release an update in the near future to reenable syncing, but it may be quite a while before it does so and in the meantime Pre users will have to decide whether they want to continue using iTunes 9.0.1 or update to 9.0.2 and lose the ability to sync their iTunes library.

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