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Twitter Lists Now Available to 25% of Users

Twitter Lists is now available to 25% of users, according a recent tweet by Nick Kallen, the project lead on Lists, reports TechCrunch. Rather than giving every one access to the feature at once, Twitter is gradually rolling out the feature to some people, working out any new bugs found and then rolling it out to more people. It seems that the process is completely random, as some developers have yet to receive the feature, while some accounts with few followers have instead received it.

Twitter announced Lists at the end of September, when it was testing the feature with a select few users. On 15 October, the group was expanded to include around one thousand people. Then on 22 October, the feature was once again expanded to include five percent of Twitter users. A couple of days ago, the feature was rolled out to twenty-five percent of users.

At the moment, Lists is disabled for all users to allow Twitter to investigate a performance issue, after which it will be reenabled.

Update: Lists has now been reenabled.


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