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YouTube Unveils TEXTp

textp.jpgMany of Google’s or rather Topeka’s services have made humorous announcements for April Fools’ Day, including Gmail’s vowel outage, Google Wave’s new option to have a live person notify you of new waves and Google Docs’s feature to upload physical items to the cloud. One of the most elaborate ones is the introduction of TEXTp by YouTube.

YouTube presents TEXTp, a “text-only̦” mode for its video player, as a cost-cutting initiative made necessary by the high volume of videos that is uploaded to the service every day, as well as the increased quality of these videos. TEXTp works by replacing images in videos with random letters and numbers and is said to save YouTube $1 a second in bandwidth costs, as well as promoting literacy.

TEXTp mode is supported in most videos and can be enabled by selecting it from the quality menu.

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  1. Annalee Wrighton says

    Thank you for finding the time to line this all out for all of us. This posting has been really useful to me.

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