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Schwarzenegger Looks to Twitter for Ideas

What started from one tweet in which the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger (@Schwarzenegger on Twitter), asked for Twitter users to tweet their ideas to solve California’s budget problem and to append the hashtag #myidea4CA to these tweets, has launched into a full site.

The website now tracks mentions of the hashtags and posts those tweets to the frontpage of the website where users can then vote them up or down and comment on them. Ideas with a score of -3 and below will be collapsed and only shown if a user manually clicks on them. The website also allows you to order the tweets by how many positive votes they have received and you can choose to view ideas only about specific topics, such as education, health care, and legislation. Mashable has an interview with Schwarzenegger about and social media on their website.

So go to the site and vote on the ideas you like and dislike or tweet an original idea using the #myidea4CA hashtag.

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