On 5 September, Google featured a Doodle on its homepage that had a UFO abducting the second “o” in “Google” and linked to the search results for “unexplained phenomena”. It also tweeted the following coded message:
“1.12.12 15 1.18.5 20.15 21.19”
In the message “1” corresponds to “a”, “2” to “b”, “3” to “c”, and so on and the message was decoded to say “All your o are belong to us”. The messages refers to “All your base are belong to us” from the European version of the Japanese video game Zero Wing, which was poorly translated into English and became an Internet meme.
Then on 14 September, Google featured another mysterious Doodle, this time of a UFO hovering over a crop circle. It also tweeted “51.327629, -0.5616088”, which are the coordinates of Horsell Commons, the location of the first alien landing in the novel The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. While some correctly guessed that the Doodles were in celebration of the H.G. Wells’s upcoming birthday, Google did not officially comment.

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