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Android 2.0 Support Added in Android SDK

androidrl.jpgSupport for Android 2.0, also known as Eclair, has been added to the Android SDK. Android 2.0 includes:

“new developer APIs for sync, Bluetooth, and a few other areas. Using the new sync, account manager and contacts APIs, you can write applications to enable users to sync their devices to various contact sources. You can also give users a faster way to communicate with others by embedding Quick Contact within your application. With the new Bluetooth API, you can now easily add peer-to-peer connectivity or gaming to your applications.”

A complete list of new features can be found on the Android developer website.

The latest version of Android SDK Tools, Revision 3, is also required to develop for Android 2.0.

It was also announced that there will be one minor version update after Android 2.0 toward the end of this year, which will be the final update for the year. Also, Android phones that run at resolutions of 800×480 and 854×480 will soon be released.

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