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GeoCities Now Closed

geocitiesdown.pngYahoo announced in April that it will be shutting GeoCities down on 26 October, although it missed that deadline by a day. Yesterday, I wrote a brief history of the GeoCities, from its start in 1995, to Yahoo purchasing the company in 1999 for $3.6 billion in stock, to the decline in visitors the service has been seeing in recent years. GeoCities provided a service that was once much needed at the time, free hosting and a tool with which to easily build webpages. In recent years, however, hosting has become inexpensive and GeoCities’s rudimentary PageBuilder has been superceded by easy to install and use software such as WordPress, Blogger and various content management systems. Still others are now looking to social networking sites to establish their Web presences, rather than creating their own websites.

Yahoo has now officially shut GeoCities down, with GeoCities sites no longer available.

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