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Google Announces Fourth Quarter Results

Google has announced its fourth quarter results, which are now available in HTML or PDF format. The company reports revenues of $6.67 billion for the quarter, enjoying a 17% increase compared to the fourth quarter of 2008. Google CEO Eric Schmidt stresses the magnitude of this accomplishment when taking into consideration the poor state of the global economy, crediting the growth to “strength of [Google’s] management team, the resilience of [Google’s] business model and the pace of innovation within [Google’s] product and engineering teams, which continued unabated throughout the downturn.”

The majority of Google’s revenue came from Google-owned sites, which generated $4.42 billion (66%), a 16% increase over fourth quarter 2008 revenues of $3.81 billion. Revenue generated from AdSense accounted for an additional $2.04 billion (31%), a 21% increase over fourth quarter 2008 revenue of $1.69 billion. More of Google’s revenue is now generated in international markets, with revenue from these markets now account for 53% of revenue, compared to 50% in the fourth quarter of 2008.

Google is holding a 2009 Q4 Q&A session at 15.00 PST (UTC-8), which is being streamed via YouTube.

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