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TomTom Car Kit for the iPhone Priced at $120

tomtomiphonekit.gifTomTom announced that its car kit for the iPhone, which will complement the TomTom iPhone app, will be priced at $119.95 or €99.99. The kit will hold the iPhone in position, as in the picture above. It will also include a GPS chip for more accurate positioning, a microphone and speaker so that directions will be clearer and louder and a charger for the iPhone. It will also include an audio output port to allow users to hear directions and music through their car speakers. As CNET points out, most of these features just duplicate and improve upon the iPhone’s features.

The car kit will be available in October, though an exact date is not given. It will be compatible with the iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, although the TomTom iPhone app is only compatible with the iPhone 3G and 3GS. The car kit will be sold separately from the TomTom iPhone app (which is priced at $99.99), so it will cost a total of $220 for both.

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